
ARCHIVE Class of 2021 Commencement Checklist

Class of 2021 Commencement Checklist

Step 1: Apply to Graduate

In order to graduate from UCR, undergraduate students must submit a graduation application via R'Web. 

If you are a UC Riverside student who graduated Fall 2020 or are expected to graduate in Winter 2021 or Spring 2021, you are eligible to participate in the Class of 2021 Commencement. If you expect to graduate Summer 2021, you may be approved to participate if you submit your Summer graduation application by the early deadline.

Graduate students must also submit additional application materials to the Graduate Division. Visit the Graduate Division's Graduation Procedures webpage for more information.

Undergraduate students in CHASS, CNAS, and the School of Business must also complete a College graduation application.

For more information regarding filing your graduation application, please visit the Registrar's Guide to Graduation website.

Step 2: Update your preferred name and address information in R'Web so that the Commencement Office receives your correct information for Commencement.

4:00 p.m. on Friday, April 30, 2021 is the deadline to update your preferred first and middle names, and your mailing address in R'Web for Commencement.

4:00 p.m. on Friday, April 30, 2021 is also the deadline to have your legal name changed in Banner in time for Commencement. Because this process can take several weeks, please begin this process early so that your record is updated in time. For more information on how to update your legal name, please visit the Registrar's website for changing your information.

Step 3: Submit your Intent to Participate Form for the Class of 2021 Commencement and In-Person Graduate Recognition and Name-Reading Event

The Intent to Participate form confirms that you will be participating in the Class of 2021 Commencement and in-person graduate recognition and name-reading event. The form will open on Wednesday, May 5, 2021, and login and instructions will be e-mailed to eligible students that afternoon.

All eligible graduates may participate in the UCR Class of 2021 Commencement and will have a graduate slide published. If you would like to select how your name is displayed and your name is announced, you must register through the Intent to Participate form beginning Wednesday, May 5, 2021. In addition, you will have the opportunity to upload a photo and add a personal message if desired. The Intent to Participate form will be e-mailed to eligible students.

Graduates from the Classes of 2021 and 2020 will also be provided the opportunity to sign up for blocks of time to walk cross a stage individually as their name is read, have their photo taken in academic regalia on stage, and exit the opposite side of the venue. The complete schedule for this year's Commencement activities is now available on the homepage

Per Chancellor Wilcox's latest announcement on Friday, May 7, 2021, we are pleased to announce that the Chancellor is granting an exception to our current campus policy prohibiting visitors to allow each student to bring no more than two guests with them into the venue. Once inside, students will remain at all times with their guests, who will cross the stage with them and join for a professional photograph. These activities will still be livestreamed for family and friends to watch online. Click here to see the latest Chancellor's announcement made on May 7.

As previously described, participants will line up with households socially distanced and all individuals wearing face coverings, as required by campus and public health guidelines. To protect the safety and health of fellow students and guests, as well as staff and volunteers who assist with the events, all participants must show proof of COVID-19 vaccination at check-in, with a completed COVID Vaccination Record Card issued by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Unvaccinated individuals must arrive with a negative result from a SARS CoV-2 PCR test, performed no more than 48 hours prior to arriving on campus.

Consistent with California Department of Public Health guidance anyone who tests positive, is feeling ill, has symptoms of COVID-19, or has potentially been exposed to someone with confirmed or suspected COVID-19, may not attend the graduation event and should follow public health recommendations. 

Any student or guest traveling or visiting from outside California and who is not vaccinated should self-quarantine per public health guidelines. All travelers who test positive or develop symptoms of COVID-19 should isolate and follow public health recommendations.

Any student or guest who is not vaccinated and who has come in contact with anyone with COVID-19 must quarantine per public health guidelines. Any student or guest who has symptoms of COVID-19 on the day of the event will not be able to attend the event, whether vaccinated or not. All attendees are expected to wash hands often or use hand sanitizer per CDC guidelines on the day of the Commencement activity.

The formal ceremony will remain as a virtual event, with remarks and greetings by university, Academic Senate, alumni, and student leadership delivered as a prerecorded program of approximately 30 minutes and released at the beginning of commencement weekend. Students and their families may watch this at a convenient time and enjoy a tassel-turning or hooding moment with their loved ones at home.

Please note the important deadlines below: 

Monday, May 17, 2021: Deadline to select and submit your Name to Be Listed in the commemorative Commencement e-program and your Name to Be Read and pre-recorded for your personalized graduate slide and in-person name reading. Please note, if you register after this deadline your legal first and last name will be listed and pre-recorded and cannot be changed.

(Updated) Thursday, May 27, 2021: Deadline to submit your completed Intent to Participate form to register for both the virtual Commencement program and in-person graduate recognition and name-reading event. The form will close at 11:59 p.m. 

Below are some tips and photo requirements for your graduate photo:

Tips for taking a good headshot photo:
●    Use natural lighting
●    Keep the background simple

Photo Requirements:
●    Individual headshot photo of graduate (selfies are acceptable)
●    Vertical photo
●    Photo must be in good taste and appropriate for an academic audience
●    Digital photo (jpg) with high resolution (no screenshots)
●    Name photo file as: First Name Last Name (i.e. Maria Garcia)
●    No writing or imposing any text/graphics onto the image
●    Military – do not wear your uniform as slide will be publicly available on the internet

Step 4: Participate in Virtual Grad Fair

The Virtual Grad Fair will take place from Monday, April 26th through Monday, May 3rd for online orders of graduation accessories, sashes, regalia packages, and other UCR gear.  The link to Virtual Grad Fair will be posted here and e-mailed to eligible students on Monday, April 26, 2021.

If you are planning to participate in the Class of 2020 and Class of 2021 in-person graduate recognition and name-reading event, you are encouraged to wear a cap and gown, however regalia is not required for participation.

Step 5: Participate in UC Riverside's Class of 2021 Commencement and In-Person Graduate Recognition and Name-Reading Event!

The complete schedule for this year's Commencement activities is now available on the homepage

Step 6: Tell Us About Your Plans After Graduation

You've made it to graduation, but what's your next destination? Tell us your next step now!

Step 7: Share Your Achievement on a Social Media Platform

As a part of the UCR Class of 2021 Commencement, you will have the opportunity to share your personalized graduate slide on a variety of social media platforms. Use #UCRGrad21 to share your achievement! Go ahead and brag. You earned it!

Step 8: Continuing the Class Gift Tradition

At this time of celebration and honor, we recognize that some of the traditions that we hold most dear as a university have been affected by a global pandemic that will forever change each of our lives. We applaud you for staying steady and reaching your graduation goals in light of such unforeseeable change. Like those before you, you have risen to the challenge. Consider a contribution to your 2021 Senior Class Gift  today to help ensure the same success for the students who will follow in your footsteps.

Step 9: Join the UCR Alumni Association

Stay Connected! We take great pride in our graduates and want to ensure your further success. Join the UCR Alumni Association to stay connected, meet fellow alumni and build a beneficial network.

Step 10: Diplomas

For information regarding the distribution of diplomas, please visit the Registrar's website.