
Advanced Degree Checklist

Commencement Checklist for Advanced Degree Candidates


Step 1: Apply to Graduate

To participate at Commencement, you need to have completed the appropriate paperwork on time, and received approval from the Graduate Division.

Your graduation application must be submitted by the following deadlines to participate in 2025 Commencement:

4:00 p.m., January 27, 2025 - deadline to apply to graduate Winter 2025

5:00 p.m., April 7, 2025 - early deadline to apply to graduate Spring and Summer 2025 and participate at Commencement. If you apply after the deadline, you may still be approved to participate, but you may receive the Intent to Participate form after Monday, April 14, 2025. The spring graduation application will be available on February 4, 2025 and the summer graduation application will be available on March 10, 2025. 

For specific eligibility information and application deadlines, visit the Graduate Division website or contact Trina Elerts in the Graduate Division Student Affairs Office.

Step 2: Review and Update your Information in R'Web

Lived Name and Mailing Address

If you would like to update your Lived First Name, Middle Name, or Last Name or your mailing address for Commencement purposes, you are required to update your information in R'Web.

Monday, March 31:  Deadline to update your Lived First Name, Middle Name, and Last Name, and your mailing address in R'Web for Commencement. Please note, if your Intent to Participate form is not submitted by the deadline, your Lived First Name and Last Name will be pre-recorded and displayed as you cross the stage. 

For more information on how to update your preferred names, please visit the Registrar's website here.

Legal Name Change

If you would like to update your Legal Last Name, you are required to submit a "Change or Correction of Name Form" accompanied by required legal documentation.

Monday, March 31: Deadline to have your Legal Last Name changed in Banner in time for Commencement. Because this process can take several weeks, please begin this process early so that your record is updated in time. For more information on how to update your legal name and required legal documentation, please visit the Registrar's website here

Degree Information

If you need to have your degree information updated, please contact your department’s Student Affairs Officer as soon as possible.

Monday, March 31: Deadline for any changes or corrections to your degree information to be listed correctly on your Intent to Participate form. Please allow the Registrar’s Office sufficient time to process your request.

Step 3 (for Ph.D. and M.F.A. candidates only): Confirm your Research Adviser's Attendance

Ph.D. and M.F.A. candidates: You will be hooded on stage by your research adviser, so please contact them and confirm they can attend the Graduate Division Hooding Ceremony on Saturday, June 7, 2025 at 9:00 a.m. at the Student Recreation Center. If your adviser cannot attend, you may ask another member of your dissertation committee to hood you.

Step 4: Submit your Intent to Participate Form when the link is e-mailed to eligible students starting Monday, April 14, 2025

The Intent to Participate form confirms that you will be participating in the Class of 2024 Commencement. The form will open on Monday, April 14, 2025, and login and instructions will be e-mailed to eligible students that afternoon.

Not everyone who graduates chooses to participate at Commencement. If you are planning to attend, you must register to walk in Commencement through the Intent to Participate form by the important deadlines below:

For M.D., Ph.D, and M.F.A graduates participating in Commencement on June 6 and 7, 2025: 
Friday, May 19 at 5:00 p.m.: Deadline to submit your Intent to Participate form to:

  • Select and submit your "Name to Be Displayed" as you cross the stage. Please note, if you register after this deadline your Lived First Name and Last name will be displayed and cannot be changed.
  • Select and submit your "Name to Be Read" and pre-recorded for stage crossing. Please note, if you register after this deadline your Lived First Name and Last name will be pre-recorded and cannot be changed.
  • Ensure that you are able to order the maximum number of tickets for your specific ceremony.
  • Please note, M.D., Ph.D., and M.F.A. graduates can order guest tickets directly on the Intent to Participate form.

For Master's degree graduates participating in Commencement at Toyota Arena on June 17 - June 18: 
Friday, May 19 at 5:00 p.m:
 Deadline to submit your Intent to Participate form to:

  • Select and submit your "Name to Be Displayed" as you cross the stage. Please note, if you register after this deadline your Lived First Name and Last name will be displayed and cannot be changed.
  • Select and submit your "Name to Be Read" and pre-recorded for stage crossing. Please note, if you register after this deadline your Lived First Name and Last name will be pre-recorded and cannot be changed.
  • Ensure that you are able to order the maximum number of tickets for your specific ceremony.
  • Please note, all Master's degree graduates (EXCEPT M.F.A. graduates) will order guest tickets through Ticketmaster once instructions are sent in late May.

Step 5: Purchase your Cap and Gown 

Doctoral Custom Regalia Purchase (Online Only)

If you would like to purchase custom blue doctoral regalia, you may do so on Oak Hall's ordering website here. To ensure you receive your regalia in time for the Hooding Ceremony.

Purchase prices are as follows: Blue UC Ph.D. Gown - $963.00; UC Ph.D. Hood - $212.00; Blue Velvet Tam - $173.00.

Doctoral Souvenir Regalia Purchase 

If you do not wish to purchase custom doctoral regalia, doctoral souvenir regalia can be purchased at Grad Fair, April 15 - 17. Souvenir regalia purchase prices are as follows: Ph.D. Gown - $76.98 (price increased by Oak Hall due to velvet price increases); Hood - $72.98; Tam - $95.98. 

Regalia packages will continue to be available for purchase after Grad Fair at the UCR Campus Bookstore through Commencement weekend.

Master's Degree Regalia Purchase

Master's regalia may be purchased at Grad Fair, April 15 - 17. Prices are as follows: Master’s gown, cap and tassel package + Master's hood - $130.96. 

Regalia packages will continue to be available for purchase after Grad Fair at the UCR Campus Bookstore through Commencement weekend.

Step 6: Give $25 In Honor of Your Graduation and Receive an Exclusive Philanthropy Cord

In honor of the Class of 2025, we're inviting all graduates to make a gift of $25 to inspire and support causes that directly benefit the next generation of Highlanders. You can dedicate your gift to an area or cause on campus that means the most to you. As a thank you, you will receive the exclusive UCR philanthropy cord to wear at commencement with your peers, reflecting your commitment to give back. Make your gift here

Step 7: Attend Grad Fair from April 16 - April 18 at the UCR Campus Bookstore

Grad Fair is your one-stop Commencement shop for everything Commencement! Grad Fair will be held in-person from Tuesday, April 15 through Thursday, April 17 at the UCR Campus Bookstore. 

Grad Fair Hours: 

  • Tuesday, April 15, 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
  • Wednesday, April 16, 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
  • Thursday, April 17, 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Step 8: Guest Tickets and Graduate Parking Pass (For Master's Degree Graduates Participating in Toyota Arena Ceremonies ONLY)

All registered graduates will indicate how many guest tickets they would like. Please only register for the number of tickets you need. Tickets will be distributed during the following dates: 

  • Senior Send-off: Wednesday, May 21, 2025 at 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. | Bell Tower Lawn
  • Thursday, May 22, 2025 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. | HUB 3rd Floor 
  • Wednesday, May 28, 2025, 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. | HUB 3rd Floor
  • After May 28th, tickets can be picked up at your respective school/college. 

One complimentary graduate parking ticket with be distributed with the guest tickets. 

UCR Commencement tickets are the property of the University and are issued to participating graduates at no charge. The sale, purchase, or duplication of Commencement tickets is strictly prohibited.

Each ticket will have a unique barcode and may only be scanned once for admittance. Duplicate tickets will be denied entry. 

Step 9: Tell Us your Plans After Graduation

Your story matters! Each year the UCR Career Center hosts the First-Destination Survey to capture information regarding the first career steps of UCR graduates within six months of graduation. They proudly track and highlight these outcomes that constitute the UCR success story. We believe every story matters, and this survey is about each student's unique journey and their first destination.

Share your first career story to inspire current and future UCR Students. 


Step 10: Attend Commencement - June 7 (Graduate Division Hooding Ceremony) and June 17-18, 2025

All Ph.D. and M.F.A. candidates: All Ph.D. and M.F.A. degree candidates will participate in the Graduate Division Hooding ceremony on Saturday, June 7, 2025 at 9:00 a.m. Please refer to the Graduate Division Hooding ceremony webpage (link will be added in late April) for additional details and click here to view the hooding process for Ph.D. and M.F.A. candidates. You will also receive e-mail communications with everything you need to know for your participation!

Master's degree candidates (EXCEPT M.F.A.): Master's degree candidates will participate in your respective College ceremonies at Toyota Arena. Please refer to your ceremony webpage link on the Schedule of Ceremonies for additional details regarding your specific ceremony, including when to arrive and where to check-in. The ceremony webpage will be added to the Commencement website in late April and you will also receive e-mail communications with everything you need to know for your participation!

Step 11: Join the UCR Alumni Association

Stay Connected! We take great pride in our graduates and want to ensure your further success. Join the UCR Alumni Association to stay connected, meet fellow alumni and build a beneficial network.

Step 12: Diplomas

Diplomas are not distributed at Commencement. For information regarding the distribution of diplomas, please visit the Registrar's Website.